Q:5 and Q:6 of Goodbye Mr. Chips

Question No. 5 :-

How did Mr. Chips feel when he took prop (preparatory school class) for the first time at Brook-field and how did he manage it ?

Answer :-

In 1870 Chips took his first big class at Brook-field. The big hall had five hundred strong and active students. They enjoyed teasing their teachers. Chips caught Colly and gave him the punishment of writing a hundred lines. Thus, he filled the boys with a feeling of his authority.

Question No. 6 :-

How much did Chips come up to Wetherbay's advice (follow it) in his teaching and behavior and what helped him later to solve his disciplinary problems ?

Answer :-

Chips taught with full passion. But he could not keep fine discipline except in his first class. Strict Heads of the school and the Board of Governors thought that discipline was not his strong point. He mixed teaching with humor, but could not win love and respect of the students. Then in 1896 his wife came on the scene. His teaching took a dramatic turn. She made him understand the students problems and needs. They started loving, respecting and obeying him.

Note: I give in this web the all relative Question and their Answers of the Novel Good Bye Mr. Chips.

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